Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2005 Is Coming To A Close

This has been an amazing year. It has been a quick year, so much happen that this year went really fast. As I reflect on the year that has pasted one thing really stands out for me.

That one thing is that I am a different person now then I was when this year began. I feel like I have found the real me that got lost somewhere along the way. And I am happy I am back because I liked the person that got lost. You know it is really easy to lose yourself while you are doing the adult thing, taking care of other people, being the model citizen, working to live better. You get so involved you forget to take care of you and you slowly lose you as time goes by. Then there you are trying to figure out why you are not happy.

I am still the person who takes care of other people, tires to be the model citizen, and works to live better, but before all those task and after all those task I take care of me, which includes but is not limited too, fun, pampering, and self indulgence, what ever my heart desires.

So I am ready and looking forward to 2006. BRING IT ON.


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