Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2005 Is Coming To A Close

This has been an amazing year. It has been a quick year, so much happen that this year went really fast. As I reflect on the year that has pasted one thing really stands out for me.

That one thing is that I am a different person now then I was when this year began. I feel like I have found the real me that got lost somewhere along the way. And I am happy I am back because I liked the person that got lost. You know it is really easy to lose yourself while you are doing the adult thing, taking care of other people, being the model citizen, working to live better. You get so involved you forget to take care of you and you slowly lose you as time goes by. Then there you are trying to figure out why you are not happy.

I am still the person who takes care of other people, tires to be the model citizen, and works to live better, but before all those task and after all those task I take care of me, which includes but is not limited too, fun, pampering, and self indulgence, what ever my heart desires.

So I am ready and looking forward to 2006. BRING IT ON.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Think For A Second

Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two

1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..

2.. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet that person, we will know how to be grateful.

10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

I received this,in am email.It was interesting. So I'm posting it for you to read.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Would You Run?

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually loses someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

This is was in an email I received, it is so true. So I'm posting it for you to read.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dear Anonymous

At 9:04 PM, December 11, 2005 Anonymous said...
When you say pleasure is life are you talking about sex. Do you really believe that you can find happiness by focusing on your own pleasure? I think that is totally selfish. What's you response to that.

Dear Anonymous
When I say pleasure is life I am talking about all aspects of life including sex. If sex is good it adds pleasure to your life. If it isn't then it is also one of the things you need to change. Yes I really believe that I can find happiness by focusing on my own pleasures. I believe that a person who can make themselves happy can be happy with someone else. So if you focus on you own happiness and making yourself happy you aren't trying to find someone to do it for you. And honestly I believe that every person is responsible for their own happiness. And yes I hope that is selfish although I hope it is not totally selfish. Because I hope that the people I come into contact with feels a little bit of the joy I feel. And the next man I am with will know what pleasures me because I will tell him, and the reason I will be able to tell him is because I know what pleasures me. So we will be able to enjoy each other rather him spending all his time trying to read my mind. And me wondering why he just doesn't know what I want.

I hope that answered your questions if not drop me another line.


Sunday, December 11, 2005


At 9:50 AM, December 3, 2005, Anonymous said...
I have a question for you, I would like to know what your views are.I am in a situation where everybody takes advantage of me, work, husband, sister, friends everyone. My question is what can I do to make them stop.


Dear Used Up
Here are my veiws.

If everyone takes advantage of you, then the problem is not them but more then likely it is you. You have allowed this behavior to start, to continue, to grow and to take over.

Now what are you going to do about it. Well for starters, I would say you need to admit to yourself, than you never say no! And that you have to change that behavior.

Add a healthy dose of SELFISH to your daily life.

From now on when someone ask you to do something stop and think for a moment, do you want to do it. Will it bring you pleasure or is it something you have to do. If the anwser is no then the anwser to the request should be no. A nicely put no, but no none the less. If you want to or think you really should do it then by all means say yes. But if it is something you do not want to do and don't have to do then say no.

Start small, and slow, this will begin to change the way everyone veiws you. And once in a while ask someone esle to assist you with something. Began to build healthy give and take relationships.

I hope my comments give you something to think about, but you have to decide for yourself what is the right course to take.


Friday, December 09, 2005

I Want What I Want!!!

Have you ever wanted somebody or something so bad you could taste it. That is a powerful driving force. That force can have you doing things you would never do, saying things you would never normally say.

If it is somebody you wanted you might find yourself pouring out you soul to them. Telling them all your secrets, just opening your heart, giving away the key.

Now if that somebody in the end feels the same way you do then all is fine.

But sometimes because of that driving force your vision can become just a little cloudy, and you might fail to see the signs.

When that someone does not feel the same way you do. Now that is the hard part.
So what do we do now.


I say first have a good cry, you feel a sense of lost so embrace it, cry for the lost you feel. It is unhealthy to keep your feelings bottle up.

Then when there are no more tears, let yourself think about how good the feelings were that you had for that person. Allow yourself to feel good about those feelings, do not allow yourself to attach negative thoughts to good feelings.

No one needs negative baggage to carry with them to their next relationship.

We need to be aware that every relationship we form is not meant to be permanent. Some people are just passing thro our lives.

Negative feelings get in the way of true pleasure. And since I believe that pleasure is the key to a good life, I don't plan to let negative feelings keep me from finding and enjoying the pleasures of life.


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Happiness is a journey

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous said...
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Think about this for a moment. We've been taught that getting the job, the relationship, the house, or some other want will bring us happiness. What often happens, once a dream is achieved, is that the happiness we longed to feel is fleeting at best, and then we quickly find ourselves thinking, "What else can I get to make me happy?" This thinking doesn't serve us. After all, how many times have we read tragic stories about the rich and famous, people who have money galore and every material desire, but still happiness eludes them. So, the answer is not to stop dreaming and achieving our heartfelt desires, but rather to experience happiness on a more consistent basis -- to enjoy the journey. Here's another secret how you can do this -- treat yourself to some small, harmless indulgence on a regular basis. If you do this, you are saying "yes" to happiness right now, not tomorrow or the day after, or 10 years from now. You are also expanding the positive energy around you. When this happens, you begin attracting people, situations, and material wealth like a magnet right to your side. When you have a happy and positive frame of mind, you set in motion opportunities that will enable you to achieve the things you want most of all.