Monday, October 09, 2006


I found a new friend
By accident he was found
I found it hard to believe
But it is true I found a new friend

A man who understands how I see
He is self assured, secure in himself
I say no commitment do I want
I say no strings on me will I take

To him I can say anything
With him I can be me just me
I call him from time to time it is okay
I don’t call him it is also okay

To me he can say anything
With me he can be just he
He call me from time to time that's okay
He doesn't call me that is also okay

I found a new friend
By accident he was found
I found it hard to believe
But it is true I found a new friend

No there is no sex between us
Not even a kiss has been shared
We are not childhood friends
Our paths came together strictly by chance

He reads my words with open mind
Understand my words he does
Answer me Honest when question put
In prospective he always keeps

Views we talk, debate we do
Flirt sometimes yes we do
In fun we give and take
But always in prospective we keep

I have a new friend
By accident I found him
Yes it is hard to believe it
But it is true I have a new friend

Vanity 2006

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Today I want to tell you about a dear friend of mine. He is one of the best friends I have. Being that I am his friend, I get the chance to see his life up close and personal.
Now I have to tell you it has been an eye opener, and I am now ready to register him with some bureau


He is tall dark and yes good looking and very unavailable. But women still flock to him like bees to honey. They call him, flirt with him, make passes at him indirectly and directly. Hell I even had one woman tell me she wanted to get with him then ask me not to tell. Well she misplayed that move because if you ask me not to tell someone something you tell me, then I’m not telling. So to that woman if she happens to read this she needs to step up to the plate and do her owe telling.

So the question is what? What is it about this man that has so many women knotting at his door. Yes he TALL, DARK and HANDSOME, so what there are a lot of men who fit that bill. Therefore that’s not it, OH it helps but that’s not it.

I have actually come to believe that it is something quite simple, he is a GENTLEMEN. Yes he is a GENTLEMEN. As I watch him sometimes interact with these women. He has this natural ability to make what ever woman he is talking to think that she is special, and that he is genuinely interested in what she is saying. He is easy to talk to, and you are at ease when talking to him.

Now that’s good, he is a DAMN GOOD MAN.

BUT women be careful that natural charm, winning smile, paired up with those gentlemen like qualities is a dangerous combination, you can easily find yourself drawn in before you know it. Then it is to late, you end up having to deal with wanting what you can not have.

Yes he and I are very good friend and sometimes I have to shake my head really hard to keep from falling under his spell.