I found a new friend
By accident he was found
I found it hard to believe
But it is true I found a new friend
A man who understands how I see
He is self assured, secure in himself
I say no commitment do I want
I say no strings on me will I take
To him I can say anything
With him I can be me just me
I call him from time to time it is okay
I don’t call him it is also okay
To me he can say anything
With me he can be just he
He call me from time to time that's okay
He doesn't call me that is also okay
I found a new friend
By accident he was found
I found it hard to believe
But it is true I found a new friend
No there is no sex between us
Not even a kiss has been shared
We are not childhood friends
Our paths came together strictly by chance
He reads my words with open mind
Understand my words he does
Answer me Honest when question put
In prospective he always keeps
Views we talk, debate we do
Flirt sometimes yes we do
In fun we give and take
But always in prospective we keep
I have a new friend
By accident I found him
Yes it is hard to believe it
But it is true I have a new friend
Vanity 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Today I want to tell you about a dear friend of mine. He is one of the best friends I have. Being that I am his friend, I get the chance to see his life up close and personal.
Now I have to tell you it has been an eye opener, and I am now ready to register him with some bureau
He is tall dark and yes good looking and very unavailable. But women still flock to him like bees to honey. They call him, flirt with him, make passes at him indirectly and directly. Hell I even had one woman tell me she wanted to get with him then ask me not to tell. Well she misplayed that move because if you ask me not to tell someone something you tell me, then I’m not telling. So to that woman if she happens to read this she needs to step up to the plate and do her owe telling.
So the question is what? What is it about this man that has so many women knotting at his door. Yes he TALL, DARK and HANDSOME, so what there are a lot of men who fit that bill. Therefore that’s not it, OH it helps but that’s not it.
I have actually come to believe that it is something quite simple, he is a GENTLEMEN. Yes he is a GENTLEMEN. As I watch him sometimes interact with these women. He has this natural ability to make what ever woman he is talking to think that she is special, and that he is genuinely interested in what she is saying. He is easy to talk to, and you are at ease when talking to him.
Now that’s good, he is a DAMN GOOD MAN.
BUT women be careful that natural charm, winning smile, paired up with those gentlemen like qualities is a dangerous combination, you can easily find yourself drawn in before you know it. Then it is to late, you end up having to deal with wanting what you can not have.
Yes he and I are very good friend and sometimes I have to shake my head really hard to keep from falling under his spell.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I entered a contest, yes I did, why because it was on my list of things I have never done and always wanted to do. It's all about having fun and doing what I want. So stop by and vote for me if you don't mind. The link is below.
This page can be viewed at: vanity1ty.monique.blip.tv
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Here I sit thinking about past, present and future, all I have to say is life is great. I have had my ups and downs, but in the end never more then I could handle. Life has been really good to me. I have been truly blessed and I thank God everyday for it. I lose sight of that from time to time but not for long. Life should be enjoyed to the fullest if not you miss out on amazing events, new friends, new places, new feelings. You work hard in this life to support your needs, you also need to laugh, play, relax, just basicly enjoy being alive to support a healthy mind, body and soul.
So all I can say is laugh, sing, dance, make merry start enjoying life now for tommorow is not promised so don't put off living today.
Friday, May 12, 2006
When we are young we start out playing hard to get. He says yes, we say no. Our no is weak and really means “I think so”. When we are young, it may not necessarily be right but as young men and young women we knew that game and most of us played that game.
The problem is when you grow up, No means maybe, is childish and misleading. Grown folks don’t play that game anymore. When you grow up you are expected to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Well damn you liked the “CHASE” you don’t want give it up. Who says you have to give it up. But you do need to be grown up about it. First and foremost if you are interested in a man tell him. If you just like him and don’t intend to give him any (yes I said it) you need to be honest about that up front. Because ladies we need to stop lying, we know when we meet a man, most times right away if we would every consider giving him any.
You know we meet a man and in the back of our minds we say, “No way would I give him any” or there is the “Damn I wouldn’t mind tapping that”. And men if you think you are the only ones who think that way, you are sadly mistaken.
It is never right to let a person believe they have a chance of getting the goodies if they don’t, and this doesn’t apply to just women, you men need to act like grown ups as well.
Before we get into the example of a GROWN FOLKS CHASE let’s chat a little.
First Things First!!! Women it is time to put away our little girl ways, put them in the keepsake box where they belong. We are grown women, with grown women appetites and grown women needs.
As grown women we come in all shapes and sizes. Not every woman is meant to be thin. We need to address that body type/size issue from a health prospective, for ourselves not for the man in our life or the man that may one day be in our lives. We have to learn to love and like ourselves.
Women we need to understand ourselves, know what we like, what we don’t like, what we want, and more important what we don’t want.
Just like we may like a dark skinned man verses a light skinned man or a bald headed man. Some men like thin women and there are the men who love a thick woman. And there are the men who like the ones in between.
If you find yourself attracted to a man who only likes thin women and you are a thick woman, leave it alone. Just because you are attracted to someone does not mean you are meant to be together. Think to yourself damn he’s fine then file it away and move on. Don’t waste your time, charms and skills on a man who is not interested. You deserve better.
What is a grown up chase, well look at it this way, a man and a woman meet, they like each other, they are attracted to each other but one is let’s say more ready then the other, the person that is not quite in the mood may just need a little push.
And it is not true that it is always the man who is the more then ready one. Ladies today we find ourselves looking at the man who is interested and attracted to us but not quite ready to “JUMP OUR BONES”. Now I did not say he wasn't interested in getting the goodies, I’m just saying he is not exactly HOT for them.
This is where the GROWN FOLKS CHASE comes in at. You both know you want, you both know it is going to happen, so what’s the DAMN HURRY. Be honest has there every been a time when you were really into someone, you jumped to it right away and was disappointed, it could have been because the actual act lacked passion.
Ladies it is time to fine tune those skills. Before you jump right to it.
Engage his mind as well as his body. Seduction is not necessarily physical. Flirt with the man, work those eyes, and dust off those skills. Anticipation is the match that ignites passion.
Get that man to the point he wants, really wants it.
And in closing, I have one other thing to say,
GROW UP!!!!!!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What will it Take
What must be Done
What must be Said
What holds the Door Close
What stops the Free Sprits Flow
What can it be that Impedes Me
Who will tell me what it Takes
Who knows what must be Done
Who can say what must be Said
Who can Open the Closed Door
Who shall Release the Sprit to Flow
Who is it that Impedes Me
Tell the truth! What will it Take
Tell the truth! What must be Done
Tell the truth! Who can say what must be Said
Tell the truth! Who can Open the Closed Door
Tell the truth! Who can Release the Sprit to Flow
Tell the truth! Who is it that Impedes Me
Me! I Know, What it will Take
Me! I Know, What must be Done
Me! I Know, Who can say what must be Said
Me! I Know, Who can Open the Closed Door
Me! I Know, Who can Release the Sprit to Flow
Me! I Know, Who it is that Impedes Me
Yes I Will Do, What it Takes
Yes I Will D0, What must be Done
Yes I Will Say, What must be Said
Yes I Will, Open the Closed Door
Yes I Will Release the Sprit to Flow Free
Yes I Will Stop Impeding Me
Vanity 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
What Is Your Type Of Woman
I was talking to a friend of mine today, he mentioned that he is looking for a woman, because he is lonely and wants a companion. So I ask him what type of woman are you looking for. His response was he wasn't sure, so I started to ask him a couple questions. After I did he decided to go away think about it, I am still waiting for him to come back and tell.
So here are the questions I asked him for starters. What would your response be?
The business woman - nice enough but doesn't make you heat rise.
The Submissive woman - on her knees in front of you willing to do your bidding, ready and willing to serve you.
The Dominant woman - who would love to have you on your knees obeying her every command
The equal partner woman - where 69 sums it up
The freaky woman - who wants it hard and rough with a good dose of spanking.
The seductress - a woman who will seduce you till you can't take anymore, then have her way with you
The committed woman - who will love deeply and totally the one she gives her heart to.
The nurturing woman - The woman who takes care of everyone in her life, because she wants them to be happy.
Combination - Woman #___ and Woman #____ etc.
All of the above - Your woman needs to have a part of all these woman in her.
Write your own type because she is missing from the list.
Hmmmm I wonder
Friday, April 07, 2006
Your Seduction Style
My Seduction Style: Prized Object
The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
There is a Freak in Me!!!
Suppose you have been with you man for a while and you love him. But and there is always a but you are not happy with your sex life. It's not that sex is bad it just isn't hot. Somewhere along the way something in you woke up. I say woke up instead of changed because it had to have been in you deep inside to be coming out now. And the sex just isn’t quite hitting the mark anymore.
Here is the tricky part what do you do. This is where things tend to go the wrong way.
Why because in most cases you don't say anything, you just get more and more unsatisfied. You sex life that wasn’t great but wasn’t bad either is now bad. And this can have a snow ball effect, you just becomes more and more unhappy and your man, he becomes more distance or he might just find someone else.
Or you start looking outside for that excitement. Then it goes from here pretty much the same way as the other scenario.
You know lets stop right here and think for a minute why is it we have such a hard time telling our partner how we feel. Where is the faith and respect we have for our mates to trust them with our wants and desires.
Are you worried that if you do tell your mate how you feel he will not understand, he will think less of you and leave you? Well his leaving you or cheating on you could be the outcome if you don’t be honest and tell him.
The bottom line is you don’t know what will happen. The difference is in how you deal with it, will you respect yourself more having lost him because you were honest, or because you cheated on him or he cheated on you. If losing him is the outcome I say take the honest road.
He may surprise you, your mate may be that special man who realizes just what a special woman you really are and be overjoyed that you are his woman.
You can’t bring yourself to tell your partner that there is a little freak in you. Yes I said “Freak” why do we insist on making that a negative thing. Hey look, in a relationship with the right mate that is an amazingly good thing.
Can’t tell him then show him, he might be in shock for a minute but he will snap out of it, then the talking and communicating will began. Just think what a healthier closer relationship you might have.
The pleasure of what you would gain would far out weight the pain of what you might lose.
So after reading this you ask yourself, if I wrote this would I tell my mate that there is a Freak in me.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Feeling So Soft, I Can Not Describe
Eyes Close, Senses Awake
Caressing the side of my face
A Feeling so soft across my eyes
A Velvet trail down to my smile
Whispers over my lips, A Feel of Silk
Under my nose, The Fragrance so sweet
Open my eyes to, Color blood Red
Half open, Half close a single Rose
A feeling so soft, I cannot describe
Except to say that the Touch
Of my Southern Lover might
Someday feel this way
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Here I sit 35000 miles over the ocean
Surrounded by steel and strangers
Thinking they don’t know me
Why would they, we have never meet
I think for a minute about it
The question that comes to mind is
Who does know me
Who will miss me while I am gone
Who did I leave behind waiting for me to return
No One I Left No One
No One who will miss my smile
No One who will miss the sound of my laughter
No One who will miss the smell of my vanilla cologne
No One who will miss the silky feel of my skin
No One who will miss the touch of my hand on their skin
No One who will watch a movie and remember that I
Cry on the sad parts
No One who will miss me while I am gone
No One I Left No One
Why is this, why is it that
I have no one awaiting my return
The reason is he has not found me
The reason is I have not fund him
Am I looking for him
Is he looking for me
Yes I am looking for him
I hope he is looking for me
Will we find each other
I do not know, but I really do hope so
But until then
No One I Left No One
At Friday, March 03, 2006 9:29:16 PM, Anonymous said...
where have u been?
Dear Anonymous, I know I have not posted for a while I have been off doing other things but I have not forgot this Blog. I am back now. Thank you for reading my Blog and asking.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Values and Beliefs
( Beliefs and Standards)
End values are the states we’ve linked the most pleasure to.
Moving towards values equals PLEASURE
Moving away from values equals PAIN
A belief is a feeling of certainty about the meaning of something.
Your beliefs determine whether or not you feel like you’re meeting your values.
They can either limit or liberate you.
Kinds of Beliefs
Global beliefs ( Life is – People are)
Rules (If this – Then that)
Core Beliefs to Adopt
The PAST does not equal the FUTURE
There is ALWAYS a way – If you’re COMMITTED
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I am what I am
I will not pretend
To be what some
Want me to be
Close your eyes
Clear your mind
Let go of what
You want to see
Now open your eyes
Look at me,
See who I am
See what I really be
See the Mother
See the Sister
See the Daughter
See the Wife
I be all of these
But look again
There is still more to me
See what else I be
See the Cook
See the Housekeeper
See the Job holder
See the Shopper
Now look deeper yet again
There is much more to see
What can that be
Why the best parts of me
See the Friend
See the Bitch
See the Lover
See the Freak
See that all of these
Are parts of me
What more could you want
What more could I be
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Ok no one is looking step up to the mirror, look at your reflection.
When I did that a while back I surprised myself because the answer was NO! For a while I was in shock how could I not like myself. Well the answer was simple I was not the person I wanted to be I was the person everybody else wanted me to be. And I wasn't happy.
So I decided to change that, I am now what I call a work in progress. Working towards being the person I want to be.
It won't happen overnight and sometimes it isn't easy, but I am determined because in the end my happiness depends on me.
What is your answer when you sneak a peek in the mirror?
Don't you wonder????
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Be Honest With Yourself
The saying that we only see what we want to see is sometimes true, when the signs are right there in our face and we choose not to see them, we are lying to ourselves. And in doing so we are adding to the pain we will feel when we can no longer pretend there isn’t an issue.
When it all comes to a head and the issues are up close and personal right in our face, it is easy to lay the blame totally on the other person. When a relationship goes bad, it can often become ugly; the man ends up being labeled “A DOG” and the woman as “BITTER” among other labels.
It's not easy to get beyond the pain, sometimes it is hard to admit that we were partly to blame not necessarily for the break up or the hurt but we are for the level of damage we suffer.
Because if we had been honest with ourselves and faced the issues early on, we would still be hurt but not to the extent that we are in the end.
The worse part about it is that we refuse to admit even to ourselves that the person we are most angry with is ourselves.
This is a lesson that I learned the hard way, after years of excuses. Why was it so hard to admit to myself that I had made a bad choice and no matter what I did, no matter what I told myself nothing would make it the right choice.
Was it because I didn’t want to fail, was it because of what my family would think and you know in the end I don’t know what the reason was. The reason did not matter anymore. What mattered was “WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO ABOUT IT NOW”.
Everything you think or do is a cause set in motion
Everyone of your thoughts and actions is going to have an effect or result in your life
Your results begin to stack-up to take your life in a particular direction
For every direction there is an ultimate destination or destiny
Everything you think or do is a cause set in motion
Everyone of your thoughts and actions is going to have an effect or result in your life
Your results begin to stack-up to take your life in a particular direction
For every direction there is an ultimate destination or destiny
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Something in him CALLED out to me
Something in him ENCHANTED me in my dreams
Something in him TOUCHED deep in my soul
Something in him RELEASED all my secrets to be told
Something in him HELPED make me whole
Something in me RESPONDED to him
Something in me RAVISHED him in my sleep
Something in me WELCOMED him deep in my soul
Something in me GAVE to him all my secrets that I hold S
omething in me ALLOWED him to assist me to become whole
Something in me was ATTRACTION for I saw what I liked
Something in me was CARING because he was so kind
Something in me was TRUST because with him I knew my secrets were safe
Something in me was RENEWAL for he helped me renew myself
Something in me was LUST because taste, feel, smell, ride him I felt I must
Something in me for now is torn but maybe one day can be REBORN
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I’m over here, You’re over there
You’re over here, Now I’m over there
Is it that we pass on the way
Or is it that together right here
Is not really the way
Is together right here or
Is together over there
So feared we put misspoke words in the way
You say, I mistake
I say, You mistake
How much more mistake can we make
How much more mistake can we take
I’m over here, You’re over there
You’re over here, Now I’m over there
Is it that we pass on the way
Is it that the hurt is so deep,
Is it that the trust so afar,
That as I back away,
You disbelieve I mean what I say,
That I am your friend
No more, No less,
I had put my lust for you away
I demand nothing I ask nothing
I expect nothing of you
Was just hoping to be your friend so true
I’m over here, You’re over there
You’re over here, Now I’m over there
Is it that we pass on the way
Or is it that we have reach the end this day
Sunday, January 29, 2006
When a guy says he wants "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN" now forgive me for being a little slow on the understanding side, maybe I'm just a little challenged but “WHAT DOES THAT MEAN".
I heard that this weekend, a friend was saying that this guy was hard to please because he wants "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN"and it dawned on me, in some cases that is the biggest load of crap. What! Is "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN"going to come knot on his door, or has he some idea where they raise this type of woman. Or is this a case of how you explain you don’t have a woman.
In this day and age with the way the economy is, and the need for two income families, society along with everything that is going on in the world where are you going to find this Gem.
What is the definition of "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN?"
Is it the woman who gets up at the clack of dawn and trends the chickens.
Is it the woman who stays at home takes care of the children, house, and has your dinner on the table when you come home for work.
Is it the woman who works a full time job, takes care of the children, house, and has your dinner on the table when you come home for work.
Is it the woman who does what ever you say, believes everything you tell her, and never questions anything you do.
Is this woman a combination of one or two of the about or is this woman one of the other examples of many I could have listed here.
So my 1st point is if you tell me you want an "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN" then brother the definition of "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN” had better come out your mouth right after you say it. Because if that is what you want then you know what the definition of "AN OLD FASHION WOMAN” is.
My 2nd point is there had better be an old fashion man standing in front of me telling me he wants AN OLD FASHION WOMAN”
I believe as women we need to stop translating what men are saying into our own words, if they said it then they need to put it into terms that everyone understands, so everyone will on the page, wave link, etc.
Men if you want it then you should be able to explain it.
Friday, January 27, 2006
What Haunts Me In The Night
Lay, in my bed, Try to sleep
No sleep comes my way
Close my eyes then I see
What haunts me and Keeps my sleep away
Shake my head; Close my eyes still I see
What haunts me and Keeps my heat so high
Try as I will, Try as I might
I can not push the vision from my sight
What I see is burnt in my memory
Skin the color of ebony
Smile so bright, It lit up the night
A Voice I can still hear, Call to me thru the light
Try as I will, Try as I might
I can not push the vision from my sight
What I see is burnt in my memory
How did this happen
How did I allow this vision
To haunt me so now
What will I do, What will I say
To make it so, I can have my way
I have to have the one
Skin the color of ebony
A Smile so bright, It lights up the night
A Voice that will, Call out to me in the heat of delight
What will I do, What will I say
To make it so, I can have my way
Then maybe the vision, Will go away and
I’ll be able to move on and play
Vanity 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Life is Full of Choices
There are so many choices in life to be made on a daily basis, weekly basis, yearly basis, and even on a life time basis. How do you know which choices are the right choices, that's hard to say, sometimes it is just a feeling that it is right. There are different types of choices you have to make, below I have listed a few there are many more.
Moral choices,
A lot of choices fall under this group and sometimes these are the choices that are used by society to control you. You have heard the saying “That is just morally wrong” (How you dress, who you date, if you’re religious)
Family choices,
Do I want children or not. This choice most of the time is left to fate. There are some who plan to have or not to have children. But a vast majority of the time it is a surprise or should I say a shock.
Career choices,
What kind of career do I want? Do I even want a career or do I just want a job, there is a difference, and you do make a choice, you might even have made that choice without realizing you made a choice.
Relationship choices,
Who do you want to be with? Do I care for this person or don't I. These choices need to be made in sync with another. The other person has to return the feelings or no matter how you feel about it there really isn’t a choice to be made. There are times when the choices you have to make in this area may cause you pain in the beginning but in the end will be the right choice and will be the best choice for the situation.
Lifestyle choices,
Moral choices, family choices, career choices, and relationship choices can all come together to make a lifestyle choice.
Sometimes it is hard to make a choice because we are comfortable with the way things are, and we are a little afraid of change and the unknown.
It is always a personal choice as to how bold a choice you can make. Well if all these choices are not sometimes confusing I don't know what it.
But every choice you do or do not make has an impact on your life or your destiny.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Smile It's your birthday
Smile, and see in your minds eye
The smile on my lips
The lust in my eyes
The dream that was beautiful while fate allowed.
The many words we wrote.
While sharing fantasies was allowed
The fires that burned with hunger so deep
Nothing will ever come to compare
With the cyber life we learned to share.
The dream that was beautiful while fate allowed.
Was something really rare and so hard to compare
Has ended now and is almost too much to bear.
But always know that you are in my heart, and
That I will always care.
The fires that burned with hunger so deep
Will be there burning till they no longer leap
With the feelings I could not explain
It is what it is, It was what it was,
Fate and Faith go hand and hand
Sometimes you have to take the chance
Hold out your hand
And take the waiting hand.
So Smile
It’s your birthday
See in your minds eye
The smile on my lips
The lust in my eyes.
As I promise not to cry.
Vanity 2005
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Dear Anonymous
At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:16:26 PM, Anonymous said...
Dear Vanity,I too am very comfortable in my skin, although a little younger than you. I enjoy life every single day and I think that “pleasure” is major part of it. There are so many different ways that people experience pleasure and it will not be the same for everyone. I know what I enjoy so far. People should always look for positive experiences that they enjoy and it will make them better people to be around. I liked the quote “I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.” (Just think how nice a person is when experiencing pleasure.)I am at a point in my life that I notice that there are many pleasures I have not yet experienced. Although I am happy with where I am, there is so much more I want to try. For example, Travel to far-away countries, go on a 4-week vacation on beach, ride a motorcycle, own a horse, have a pool boy (and I don’t have a pool). The list goes on. My guess is you would really enjoy traveling. I would think you could find a lot of pleasure in other countries. I would suggest a trip to Brazil, Spain or Indonesia. I am sure they would provide some good experiences. Anyway, I hope you find many pleasures on your birthday. Enjoy every minute of your day and have a great 2006!
Dear Anonymous,
The four week vacation on the beach sounds great, ride a motor cycle that's worth thinking about, and the pool boy that warrants serious thought.
Now the trips Brazil
and Spain wouldn't mind, but
Indonesia I think I might pass on that one.
Thanks for the birthday wish and you keep on enjoying life.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Here Comes 50
My birthday is in a couple of days, On the 16th of this month, I will be 50, that is half of a 100. How do I feel about that?
I have never been happier in my life. I know what I want out of life now. I have found my inner peace. For me it is being in tuned with the pleasures of life.
I am happy with myself, and I surround myself with people who are happy to be with the person I really am. No more trying to live up to what other people think I should be.
What you see is what you get and I happen to think that what you see is great.
Everyone may not agree with me, but that is what is so great about it! They don't have too.
Because for every one who doesn't there is one who will love what this 50 year old woman is bring to the table.
So as I start on a new era, I invite all my friends to come ride with me, it's gonna be a blast!!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Everything We Do
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Pleasure is life, life is Pleasure
What took me so long to see
That when I enjoy life all is right with me
Pleasure is life, life is Pleasure
If I take care of me, I can take care of thee
I come first this is now a part of me
Pleasure is life, life is Pleasure
Look how my smile washes over thee
Feel the warmth that flows from me
Pleasure is life, life is Pleasure
Now step into my circle and let me warm thee
Open your mine, open your heart, open your arms and receive this warmth from me.
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