Saturday, February 04, 2006

Be Honest With Yourself

The saying that we only see what we want to see is sometimes true, when the signs are right there in our face and we choose not to see them, we are lying to ourselves. And in doing so we are adding to the pain we will feel when we can no longer pretend there isn’t an issue.

When it all comes to a head and the issues are up close and personal right in our face, it is easy to lay the blame totally on the other person. When a relationship goes bad, it can often become ugly; the man ends up being labeled “A DOG” and the woman as “BITTER” among other labels.

It's not easy to get beyond the pain, sometimes it is hard to admit that we were partly to blame not necessarily for the break up or the hurt but we are for the level of damage we suffer.

Because if we had been honest with ourselves and faced the issues early on, we would still be hurt but not to the extent that we are in the end.

The worse part about it is that we refuse to admit even to ourselves that the person we are most angry with is ourselves.

This is a lesson that I learned the hard way, after years of excuses. Why was it so hard to admit to myself that I had made a bad choice and no matter what I did, no matter what I told myself nothing would make it the right choice.

Was it because I didn’t want to fail, was it because of what my family would think and you know in the end I don’t know what the reason was. The reason did not matter anymore. What mattered was “WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO ABOUT IT NOW”.

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